Saturday, November 24, 2012

How I keep my new growth moisturized

Sometimes new growth can be a hassle. If its not properly moisturized or cared for it can lead to breakage .
Here are a few tips
1- Moisturize. moisturize.....MOISTURIZE!!! The first thing to keep your new growth manageable is to keep it moisturized. DC'ing is also an excellent way to keep hair moisturized.
2- Low maintainance styles- Styles like braid outs, bantu knots , braids, and basically anything that hides your new growth helps not only by hiding the new growth but making your whole head presentable. Protective styles are also great . Buns, braids, wigs ect.
3-Detangling under the shower also helps.

 My last relaxer was October 22nd , The relaxer didn't take as well , leaving my hair under processed , but I actually liked the texture that was left , so I wasnt worried about it. This is my new growth right now and before moisturizing. I am about 4 weeks and 2 days post relaxer
 To moisturize my new growth I use S-Curl "No Drip"-

I section my hair in 4 sections then begin to apply S-Curl to my new growth ONLY. My new growth loves S-Curl but my relaxed hair doesn't
I then massage the product into my new growth .

New growth after
It ended coiling back up after a while like how it is in the first picture, but my new growth is much more soft and manageable than it was before.

Ive been neglecting my hair and it hasnt been moisturized in a couple of days. This is just a little add on but Im going to show you how I moisturize my relaxed hair.
 So to moisturize my relaxed hair I use my Aussie Moist Conditioner
I take a small amount and apply to my relaxed hair then I detangle with my fingers I apply more IF needed
I only use conditioner to moisturize my hair if Im going to co wash or wash my hair the next day, any other time I use my Garnier Frutis leave in :) When I use a conditioner I personally dont like to add oil to seal I feel it works better for me :) but thats just me
I hope this blog helped and hopefully more to come , feel free to ask questions :)

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